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Personal profile


Dr. Zarzana’s research covers a broad range of topics involving mass spectrometry. He has a strong background in mass spectrometry instrumentation, especially related to ion optics and detector technology. Dr. Zarzana also has experience using chromatography-mass-spectrometry to solve a wide variety of analytical problems in complex matrices. He conducts research on ion formation and gasphase behavior chemistry, and the effects of radiation on a variety of organic molecules. Current research projects include: developing novel sample preparation and ionization methods and instrumentation for application to isotope-ratio mass spectrometry, development of new nanospray sources for the sensitive analysis of nano-volume samples containing radio-isotopes, and investigating the radiation chemistry of nuclear fuel reprocessing materials. 

Research Interests

My research interests focus primarily on the development and implementation of a range of analytical techniques to study the radiolytic degradation of ligands and solvents used in nuclear fuel cycle applications, facilitating quantitative product identification and formation/decomposition mechanisms.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Chemistry, University of Arizona

Award Date: Jan 1 2011

Bachelor, Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College

Award Date: Jan 1 2003


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