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Personal profile


Dr. Ruchi Gakhar is Research Scientist in Pyroprocessing and Molten Salt Systems Department. With a strong background in materials science (Ph.D.) and chemistry (B.S., M.S.), Dr. Gakhar is leading several Department of Energy funded projects on molten salt chemistry, structure and property characterization- thermophysical properties evaluation, optical and Raman spectroscopy, molten salt corrosion and flow loop design. 

Dr. Gakhar is a co-principal invetigator on Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) - Molten Salt in Extreme Environments (MSEE), sponsored by the U.S. DOE Office of Science. Dr. Gakhar has commissioned a facility for in-situ investigation of molten salt chemistry using spectroscopy techniques combined with electrochemistry. Dr. Gakhar has extensive experience of material synthesis and characterization and has published several articles in the field. Her research interests include nuclear fuel cycle research and development and advanced nuclear reactor design.

Education/Academic qualification

Master, Organic Chemistry, Kurukshetra University

Bachelor, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Maharshi Dayanand University

Master, Technology, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Panjab University

PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno


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