Reactor physics characterization of triply periodic minimal surface-based nuclear fuel lattices

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) lattices are receiving substantial attention in numerous engineering fields due to their impressive topology-driven physical characteristics. TPMS lattices are periodic structures of two distinct intertwined volume domains separated by an area-minimizing surface or wall. TPMS lattices have been observed in nature, such as biological membranes, skeletons, block copolymers, sea urchins, butterfly wings, and equipotential surfaces in crystals. Intriguingly, the topology of TPMS lattices can be easily parametrized via level-set equations and thus are heavily numerically and experimentally studied. A significant research effort is currently applying TPMS lattices for heat exchangers and sinks. This paper extends TPMS lattice applications to nuclear reactor fuel designs, with a focus on identifying relevant TPMS geometric parameters controlling neutronics characteristics, such as reactivity, neutron spectrum, and heat removal properties. We found that fuel surface-area-to-volume ratios for TPMS lattices can be two orders of magnitude larger than current cylindrical fuel rods. Further, the selected TPMS lattice and its implicit equation, the unit cell pitch, wall thickness, and structure porosity are design parameters enabling neutronics optimization for both thermal and fast spectrum configurations, paving the way for exceptionally compact and dense nuclear core concepts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104895
Pages (from-to)104895
JournalProgress in Nuclear Energy
Early online dateSep 18 2023
StatePublished - Nov 2023


  • Additive manufacturing
  • Heat transfer
  • Nuclear fuel design
  • Triply periodic minimal surface

INL Publication Number

  • INL/JOU-23-73231
  • 157743


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