Rationale for the Performance Specification for Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister Systems R1

Research output: Book/ReportTechnical Reportpeer-review


This document provides the rationale for the specifications for the standardized transportation, aging, and disposal (STAD) canister systems provided in Performance Specification for Standardized Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister Systems, FCRD-NFST-2014-000579, Rev. 2, referred to as STAD Spec herein. The STAD Spec was developed to support STAD canister system studies and potential research, development, and demonstration activities. Requirements in the specification may evolve with time based on results from analyses, experiments, design studies, system evaluations and demonstrations, as well as other factors. The STAD canister system consists of a canister, together with a storage or aging overpack/module/vault, a shielded transfer cask (STC), a site transporter, a transportation overpack, and a transportation skid. Three sizes of circular cross section STAD canister variants are specified. The small STAD canister capacity is four pressurized water reactor (PWR) or nine boiling water reactor (BWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies. The medium STAD canister capacity is 12 PWR or 32 BWR SNF assemblies. The large STAD canister capacity is 21 PWR or 44 BWR SNF assemblies. There are 60 specifications in the STAD Spec that cover the STAD canister general design attributes, canister safety functional requirements, operational considerations, materials, storage and aging system requirements, and transportation system requirements. The 60 specifications are derived from regulatory requirements, regulatory guidance, STAD canister disposability considerations, and interim storage facility (ISF) and geologic repository handling facility considerations. The specifications and their respective rationales are guided by the following two questions: • If a specification were included, would it influence the design and analyses to meet a desired objective? • If a specification were omitted, could its omission influence the design and analyses in a way that would compromise a desired objective? The rationales in this document provide the basis for the specifications included in the STAD Spec, the specifications that were considered and omitted from the STAD Spec for reasons that may not be obvious, and potential refinements to specifications that may be considered in a future evolution of the STAD Spec.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jul 20 2015


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