Machine learning potential assisted exploration of complex defect potential energy surfaces

C Jiang, CA Marianetti, M Khafizov, DH Hurley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Atomic-scale defects generated in materials under both equilibrium and irradiation conditions can significantly impact their physical and mechanical properties. Unraveling the energetically most favorable ground-state configurations of these defects is an important step towards the fundamental understanding of their influence on the performance of materials ranging from photovoltaics to advanced nuclear fuels. Here, using fluorite-structured thorium dioxide (ThO2) as an exemplar, we demonstrate how density functional theory and machine learning interatomic potential can be synergistically combined into a powerful tool that enables exhaustive exploration of the large configuration spaces of small point defect clusters. Our study leads to several unexpected discoveries, including defect polymorphism and ground-state structures that defy our physical intuitions. Possible physical origins of these unexpected findings are elucidated using a local cluster expansion model developed in this work.
Original languageAmerican English
Article number21
Number of pages7
Journalnpj Computational Materials
Issue number1
Early online dateJan 24 2024
StateE-pub ahead of print - Jan 24 2024

INL Publication Number

  • INL/JOU-23-74456
  • 161913


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