Dort solutions to the two-dimensional C5G7MOX benchmark problem

Yousry Y. Azmy, Jess C. Gehin, Roberto Orsi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


We present a comprehensive study of the solution error for the C5G7MOX Benchmark problem using the two-dimensional transport code DORT. We set a stringent criterion that a successful solution to the benchmark exercise must satisfy, namely that at least for some of the benchmark quantities convergence to the reference solution with computational model refinement must be demonstrated. In the present exercise this amounts to examining the evolution of the DORT solution, e.g. the multiplication factor, with increasing angular quadrature order, decreasing computational cell size, and tighter representation of the curved rod-moderator interface for all circular rods in the core model. In addition we explored the effect of angular quadrature type, comparing solution accuracy for the fully symmetric and the Square Legendre-Chebychev quadratures establishing superiority of the latter. We establish the high quality of DORT's solution to this benchmark exercise by demonstrating that the multiplication factor asymptotically approaches the reference solution as stated in our self-imposed success criterion. High accuracy of the pin power distribution is also attained, however, convergence to the reference values is not realized. We conjecture that this is due to the lack of error information in the reference values. Our results also illustrate DORT's high accuracy on reasonable meshes and quadrature orders, as well as the sufficiency of a crude, square, geometric approximation of the rod-moderator interface to achieve high accuracy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-231
Number of pages17
JournalProgress in Nuclear Energy
Issue number2-4
StatePublished - 2004


  • Accuracy
  • Benchmark
  • DORT
  • Discrete-ordinates
  • MOX


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