All Hazards Approach to Grid Modernization

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Resilience hazards for electric power systems are on the rise, exacerbated by both a rise in extreme weather events and manmade physical and cyber attacks. At the same time, grid modernization challenges plague the United States, covering everything from increased electrification and ambitious renewable energy targets to aging infrastructure and regulation that lags behind today’s challenges. This talk will cover an all-hazards risk based approach that addresses both rising resilience and grid modernization challenges. Examples of this approach taken for national laboratory research projects will be discussed, including a deep dive into a project that addressed black start, resynchronization, distributed control, and cybersecurity challenges for an operational microgrid up to sub-transmission voltages. As takeaways from this project are translated from demonstration scale to real-world exercises, key lessons are noted on the translation from research into practice and how this can inform risk-based research moving forward
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - Oct 31 2023


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