A numerical investigation of the effect of heating methods on saturated nucleate pool boiling

Cetin Unal, Kemal O. Pasamehmetoglu

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5 Scopus citations


Using a numerical model, the effect of heating methods on saturated nucleate pool boiling is investigated parametrically for smooth and rough nickel and copper heater plates. The boiling curve moved right with decreasing thickness for the smooth and rough nickel and copper heaters in the constant-heat-flux heating method. This trend was reversed in the constant-temperature heating method; the boiling curved shifted left with decreasing heater thickness. However, the later trend was not affected by the heater material and thickness and the surface roughness (mean cavity radius). The boiling curves were identical for the constant internal generation rate and the constant-heat-flux heating method. The use of ac instead of dc resistive heating caused the boiling curve generally to move left. This behavior was not linear with the heat flux, heater material, or surface conditions. No hysterisis was found when the heat flux was increased and then decreased gradually to original values.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-177
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1994


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